See what people are saying about VectorVest.

“As I told late last year, that I was planning to retire, well, finally it happened, I am officially retired since Feb/1st this year, and VectorVest was a big factor in making my decision.”

“I have used VectorVest 7 to help my stock trading for almost a year, I love the system because it has really navigated me where to go and when to stop, or turn, in the middle of the huge ocean of the Stock market.”

“When I work with VectorVest, I make money. When I ignore its advice, I don’t. It’s really that simple.”

“I don’t even start trading until I read what VV thinks about it. The best program ever.”

“I’ve used it for almost 20 years and find it to be incredibly helpful. It’s like a friend.”

“Thanks for a great introduction – I am an absolute beginner in this activity, so this has been very helpful. Member two months.”

“As a retired exec from the investment game, I’ve seen a lot of presentations. This one of yours by Dan M. was one of the best I’ve ever seen. Excellent! Thanks…BTW, I have real money in the (Sure-Fire Success Trading System) portfolio w/ goal of hitting a 25% return in 2013. On track today w/ 24.28% to date . MU hit its 50% stop on Friday”

“I’ve used VectorVest since 2008. It’s a great tool to understand the overall trend and health of the market, and to identify specific stocks and ETFs. It’s awesome.”

“I’ve subscribed to many services in the past. VectorVest is now the only one I use. I highly recommend it!”

“Up 24.31% as of today (since 27/01/14) and all current 10 stocks’ ROI are in the green.”